The journey to the R and R Centre would take Father O’Reilly at least twelve hours . The Archbishop suggested that Brendan go by coach, but he refused . He thought that a drive would do him
the world of good, a chance to unwind, to reflect and in any case, he would be alone . No female company to offer temptation . The R and R Centre was in fact Saint Pious Parish located 950 kms north of the Palace . It would be easy to reach as a major highway almost connected the two . It would require at least three pit-stops along the way . Brendan was going there as an assistant priest, the workload would be very light, mostly visiting an abundance of nursing homes that proliferated in the area . In fact, Saint Pious Parish had the dubious distinction of being known as the narcotic capital of the nation . All of the nursing homes specialised in the care of cancer patients and those needing chronic pain relief . To ease the torment of the previous weeks Brendan played Mozart’s Ave Verum Corpus, followed by a selection of Bach, Beethoven and Brahms compositions . Whilst these played on his car stereo, he quietly recited the rosary and stayed alert with respect to driving conditions . He had decided to dress in civilian clothes . These would camouflage him against the Black-trackers.