Resurrection in Mauritius
Jack Stern’s second adventure is a continuation of the first in which three stories seemingly unrelated are intertwined to share a common theme:
Jack Stern and Fr Brendan O’Reilly holiday in Mauritius were they discover a decaying Alien church which Brendan brings back to life. Once the media cover the story thousands of pilgrims seeking salvation flock to the island from all over the globe much to the disdain of the Vatican’s power brokers who do not want a second coming of Christ and therefore act accordingly.
Jack Stern acts to protect and rescue Rome’s monetary investment in an Australian natural therapies company under siege by the health department with devastating political and biblical consequences.
Meanwhile Frank Max Climax, a faceless London vagabond, in addition to the Mafia in America, word hard to cripple the pharmaceutical industry by rendering all mediations inactive and substituting their own.
Assassin Ivan Gallows, alias the D-Man, seeks to restore his destructive powers by all means possible and eliminate Jack Stern once and for all.
Book reviews
Fantastic read, very spiritual and some points not so fiction. This book takes you on a very thought provoking journey, really takes you to some different places that are well worth the journey. The author has the brilliant knack of taking your imagination into another realm which is quite fascinating. I am very inspired by this fiction book that I look forward to another of the author’s books. I also purchased this book for my sister and she was blown away with what a great read it was. I personally couldn’t put this down down. It’s very, very funny and you can tell the writer is well travelled and educated with a down to earth sense of humour. People out there really really won’t be disappointed in this book.
Buy it! It’s great. One more thing it still blows me away how much can be related from this book and taken into the spirituality of real life. Normally this would’nt happen with fiction, but this book really does it! Thanks for the great read! 5 out of 5 stars. Great story full of twists and turns.
Not having much time to be a reader of fiction this story caught my attention from the first chapter. It’s fun, different, full of interesting characters and intermingling relationships, has an element of spirituality and introduces the thought provoking concepts to our natural world. I won’t give the plot away, but it’s great fun and would probably covert to the big screen rather well. In short, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and look forward to the sequel. I recommend this to anyone wanting something different
This book got my brain going. M J Jurand is obviously a bit of a philosopher with a great sense of humour and the ability to write an intriguing plot. His philosophies scattered through the book are rather different from what one would expect in a novel and are really worth thinking (and laughing) about. Enjoyed it a lot!